Thursday, November 7, 2019
Minds Are Opened When Hearts Are Opened Essays
Minds Are Opened When Hearts Are Opened Essays Minds Are Opened When Hearts Are Opened Essay Minds Are Opened When Hearts Are Opened Essay Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (A Joint venture of Govt. of India and Govt. of Delhi) ADMIT CARD Date : 26. 07. 2013 Important: Please take the printout in color format only with clear vision of Photograph Registration No. : 266781 Name and A ddress : RA MESH KUMA R CHA NDESHWA R PRA SA D , FILMS DIVISION,1, MA HA DEV ROA D NEW DELHI DELHI DELHI-110001 Category : ST Roll No. : 23308745 Signature of the Candidate Name of Post: Jr. Engineer/ Electrical 02 Examination Date: 1-08-2013 (SUNDAY) Examination Time: 11:00 AM 2:00 PM Reporting Time: Examination Centre: Vidya Niketan Public School Nanak Pura, Near Nanakpura Gurudwara 10:30 AM Opposite to Crime Women Cell Moti Bagh-II, New Delhi-110021 Your faithfully for DELHI METR O R AIL C O R PO R ATIO N LTD. CERTIFICA TE: I have verified the photo pasted above with the face of the candidate. Signature of the Invigilator Dear Candidate, Authorize d Signatory W e thank you for re sponding to our adve rtise m e nt No. DMR C /O M/HR /I/2013 for conside ration for re cruitm e nt in our O rganization. 1.You are re que ste d to appe ar for the writte n te st at the C e ntre on the date and tim e spe cifie d above . In case your photograph is not printe d above , the n Ple ase affix your re ce nt passport size photograph and put your signature in the space provide d above in the pre se nce of a Gaze tte d office r and ge t both duly atte ste d by him , failing which you w ill not be allowe d in the writte n te st. 2. This Adm it C ard should be brought to the e x am ination ce ntre and hande d ove r to the R oom Invigilator. 3. You should re ach the te st ce ntre be fore the re porting tim e as m e ntione d above .Late com e rs will not be pe rm itte d to appe ar in the te st. 4. Your candidature for this te st is provisional and is subje ct to your fulfilling the pre scribe d e ducational and othe r e ligibility conditions e tc. , as notifie d in our Adve rtise m e nt failing which your candidature will be sum m arily re je cte d at the furthe r stage s of ve rification and scrutiny during the se le ction proce ss. 5. R e que st for change of Te st C e ntre /te st date and addre ss of corre sponde nce will not be e nte rtaine d unde r any circum stance s. 6.You m ay k indly note that no trave ling e x pe nse s will be adm issible for appe aring in the writte n te st. 7. Ple ase note down your R oll Num be r and R e gistration Num be r for future re fe re nce and k e e p a photocopy with you as this Adm it C ard will be colle cte d from you. 8. Ple ase note that this Adm it C ard doe s not constitute an offe r of e m ploym e nt to you. www. eonlineapply. com/dmrc/AdmitcardJ. asp 1/3 03/08/2013 DMRC-ADMIT CARD 8. Ple ase note that this Adm it C ard doe s not constitute an offe r of e m ploym e nt to you. 9.Ple ase e nsure that you bring Black/Blue ball point pen for appe aring in the writte n te st. 10. C anvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate . 11. C andidate has to tak e printout of this Adm it card in color format with cle ar vision of Photograph. 12. Important: The re sult of this writte n te st along with instructions and sche dule of Inte rvie w will te ntative ly be publishe d on DMR C we bsite www. delhimetrorail. com on 10. 09. 2013. The succe ssful candidate s m ay follow the instructions give n on the we bsite and appe ar accordingly on the de signate d date . INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO ANSWER IN THE WRITTEN TEST . The following are som e instructions re garding the writte n te st :ââ¬â a) MOST IMPORTA NT: DO NOT BRING MOBILE PHONES/SCA NNING DEVICES/A NY ELECTRONIC GA DGET TO THE EXA MINA TION CENTRE; PLEA SE NOTE THA T, NO A RRA NGEMENTS FOR STORING THESE WILL BE MA DE A T THE EXA M CENTRE A S THESE ITEMS A RE BA NNED INSIDE THE CENTRE. b) C andidate s are not allowe d to carry any pape rs, note s, book s, calculators, ce llular phone s, page r e tc. in the e x am ination hall. Any candidate found using or in posse ssion of such unauthorize d m ate rial or indulging in copying or adopting unfair m e ans to be sum m arily disqualifie d. ) Strictly follow the Instructions give n on the que stion book le t or by C e ntre Supe rvisor/R oom Invigilator. d) You m ust use Black /Blue Ball Point Pe n for the writte n te st. e ) Afte r finishing the e x am ination, handove r com ple te que stion book le t and answe r she e t to room invigilator, DO NO T carry the que stion book le t or any part the re of outside the e x am ination room . Doing so is a punishable offe nce . f) No candidate shall be allowe d to le ave the e x am ination hall be fore the com ple tion of writte n Te st (i. e . 02. 0 PM). 2. The total duration of te st is 180 Minute s. The que stion pape r will be distribute d as pe r the following sche dule in continuation : 11:00 A M to 12:30 PM 12:30 PM to 02:00 PM que stions from Paper -I, Objective type (multiple choice) Paper- II, Subjective type and 45 que stions from Ge ne ral Aptitude sphe re including Ge ne ral The obje ctive type que stion pape r will be m ultiple choice bilingual (English/Hindi) consisting of total 120 que stions (75 Te chnical/profe ssional sphe re aware ne ss, logical ability and ge ne ral English. ).The subje ctive type que stion pape r (in English only) will consist of paragraph writing, com pre he nsion, Essay and que stions on Scie nce te chnology m atte r. 3. How to answer objective type paper (Paper-I). In obje ctive type pape r e ach que stion is followe d by four alte rnative re sponse s se rialle d (1) to (4). You are to choose the corre ct/be st re sponse and m ark your re sponse with Black /Blue Ball Point Pe n in the O MR Answe r She e t only and not in the que stion book le t. No change /cutting/ove r writing in the answe rs are allowe d in the O MR Answe r She e ts. . C om ple te ly dark e n the O VAL so that the num be r inside the O VAL is not visible . 5. Dark e n O NLY O NE O VAL for e ach answe r as shown in the e x am ple be low. 6. The re shall be no ne gative m ark ing for wrong answe r. 7. Mark your answe r only dark e ning one oval. Multiple answe rs to any que stion will not be counte d for scoring. DO NO T m ark any stray m ark s anywhe re on the answe r she e t or on the que stion book le t. DO NO T fold or wrink le the answe r she e t. R ough work MUST NO T be done on the answe r she e t.Use the space provide d on your que stion book le t only for this purpose . www. eonlin eapply. com/dmrc/AdmitcardJ. asp 2/3 03/08/2013 purpose . 8. DMRC-ADMIT CARD How to answer subjective type paper (Paper-II): The candidate will be provide d answe r book le t to write de scriptive answe rs on the answe r book le t. Important: The candidates are instructed to copy write declaration given in the back side of front cover page of subjective answer book failing which their candidature may be cancelled. www. eonlineapply. com/dmrc/AdmitcardJ. asp 3/3
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